Dissertation Editing Service

dissertation editing service
Proud of your dissertation, but concerned that it might not quite be up to your dissertation committee’s standards? One of the most common concerns we hear from our PhD level customers is that they are confident in the content of their dissertation, but worried about whether they have met all of the stylistic, grammatical, and submission guidelines. That is why we offer a comprehensive dissertation editing service, at affordable prices.

We have a team of professional writers and researchers from a variety of backgrounds, ready to edit your dissertation project. Why are their backgrounds important? For many disciplines, it is impossible to properly edit a dissertation unless the editor has a well-established working knowledge in the subject. Your editor needs to know industry terms, the current knowledge in the area, and stylistic conventions that may be unique to your field in order to determine what to edit. It is not enough to match you with a high-quality writer; we match you with a high-quality writer that knows your subject area.

We also focus solely on academic projects. This is important because the conventions for academic writing differ from some of the rules and norms for professional writing. We also will also make sure that your paper is edited appropriately for submission to the academic journals in your field, unless you direct us to follow different guidelines. All of these components are a critical component of dissertation editing, because they help polish and perfect your product, not just for your dissertation committee, but also to give you a quality publication to use in your post-graduate pursuits.


If you are looking for dissertation editing services, you almost certainly know what a dissertation is. However, while we tend to use the word to refer to the capstone writing project in a PhD program, it can actually mean any lengthy essay. If you are asked to write a dissertation that is not the final product in a PhD or Master program, it may have specific guidelines. In that case, please be sure and let us know what those guidelines are, so that we can edit with them in mind.

Because you are interested in editing services, it is important to understand that term. Many people believe that editing is proofreading. While high-quality proofreading is certainly a critical component of the editing process, it is only one of the steps in the process. Editing also looks at usage, style, and other technical aspects of writing, to ensure that your dissertation is readable. This is especially important for students writing their dissertations in a language other than their native language, as capturing idioms and sentence structure can be challenging.

In addition, editors look at the dissertation as a whole. How does it flow? Are your arguments logically arranged within the paper? Do you back up statements that you made with proof for those statements, or do you have unsupported claims in your paper? All of these elements are critical and our editors will include notes for revision and suggested changes to tweak your dissertation and make it better.


While competent professional-level writing skills should be the goal of every graduate, especially Masters or PhD candidates, there is actually a large gap between competent professional writing and exemplary PhD level writing for a dissertation. Depending on your discipline, you may have all of the technical details and research needed for a great dissertation, but lack some of the writing skills you need to really make your dissertation shine.

We are not going to fault you for that. We are firm believers that even subject-area experts can turn out some sub-par writing on a topic. That is because the writing process is not the same as the academic process in other disciplines. To turn out a great dissertation, you not only have to be an expert in your subject, but also an expert writer.
That is where our team of writers and editors can help you. Our dedicated professional academic writers and editors come from a wide variety of backgrounds. We match you with an editor from an appropriate background, who can ensure that your dissertation is well-written, cohesive, readable, and that it reflects state-of-the-art science or knowledge in your subject area. lives, that make it impossible to find the time to dedicate to the dissertation process.

Our Writers and Editors

There are a number of editing services out there, so you might be wondering why you should choose ours. We think we are the best. Why? Because we only work with the very best writers and editors in the academic writing business.

What does it take to be the best? Obviously, a great writer and editor needs to have mastery of the English language. We also believe that editors can only be successful if they fully understand the writing process; while some of our editors no longer write, all of them have been professional writers in the past. Every single one of our editors must meet our rigorous minimum standards; must have a master’s degree or higher in their areas of expertise, and they must be native-English speaking and based in the United States. We only work with writers and editors who meet our rigorous writing standards, and we only continue working relationships with writers and editors who continue to meet those standards. The process works; many of our writers and editors have been working with us for almost two decades.


We are very honest about the fact that we do not offer the cheapest editing prices that you will be able to find. You can find editing services started at a couple of dollars per page. However, what do you want to get from your editing service? Cheap services that proofread and offer little else in value, or affordable services that offer helpful edits and revision advise, in addition to top-notch proof-reading? We offer the second; high-quality, affordable, professional editing services.
You may be worried about what affordable means, because affordable means something different to a student than it does to a professional writer. Do not worry; we mean affordable for a student. Our prices start as low as $8 per page and range up to $14 per page for rush orders.


English is not my first language, so I worried about my dissertation sounding disjointed. My editor helped it flow better, without changing what I was trying to say.

I needed major formatting help with my dissertation, because I wanted to submit it for publication in a journal that has weird formatting rules. I did not have the time to reformat or make other suggested changes, but your editors did a great job. Thanks!

My advisor hated my writing style; your editors helped me fix the issues he was constantly criticizing and he accepted my dissertation. Thanks so much!

How We Can Help You

As a professional academic writing and editing service, we offer a complete range or writing and editing help. We can proofread and edit completed works, help you turn a rough draft into a dissertation, provide research assistance, or even complete an entire dissertation. Whatever you need, we are here to help you in the dissertation writing process.


You want your dissertation to be perfect. It is, after all, the final step in a years-long effort that has required hard work and dedication from you. Let us edit it for you to make sure that it is the best representation possible of all of that work.


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